Meet Westley Hardin

December 10th
So much intensity, so many prayers and blessings in three days-
let me tell you a story...
Our little man was due December 11th. Though I hadn't reached my due date, nearing it that closely was starting to disappoint me. Why do so many pregnant women feel as though they are the ones who won't really have to wait that long? I was just sure I would be in labor before that Thursday hit.

(My nieces and nephew...not knowing in a few hours, i'd be in labor-
oops, Caleb is about to deliver!)
Set on not being induced, I decided I had to change my mindset. Instead of expecting to go into labor, I tried switching to "what's a due date anyway? mode." Well the Lord indulged me and, at 1:35am on December 10th, I woke from some harder contractions. By 6am I was starting to think this might be the real thing--remember, I had been induced with my first two babies so going into labor on my own was new. After a call in to the o.b. nurse to ask some questions, I told Michael I really think we ought to take the kids to their grandparents and get checked. I had been at a 3 for a few weeks--when the nurse checked I was at a 4 but not progressing very fast. We decided to go home and labor there. I waited all day for my contractions to get closer together. While the pain was intense, the minutes between contractions dragged. One of my dearest friends encouraged me to get checked again. This time, we were at a 6. She and her mom gave me a little pep talk. I desperately wanted to deliver this baby with no medicine and my resolve was dwindling. They were just what I needed at that moment. My dr. sent me to the hospital and boy did things pick up from there. (about 6:30ish pm)
I need to sum up now...I've just realized you're getting more than you bargained for in this little post.

(ignore the date on pics--checked in to hospital. looking good, eh?)

Basically, in a short time, I asked for an epidural, then denied the epidural, got to an 8, decided to keep going, dr. broke my water, experienced the most amazing and amazingly painful process I've ever been a part of, and had my son, my third child, naturally, at 8:45pm. Whew.

My biggest baby--21.25 in

7lbs, 13 oz.

And in the past couple of days, He's brought us this...

(taken today!)
More of "this" coming soon
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and calls. As soon as things get a little more regular, we will be more proactive in making many of the personal phone calls that you deserve. Until then, know that we've felt all that you have sent our way.