Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

hey there folks. a new message from the farm.

Yea! Something to blog about that doesn't require a picture! I have been holding off on posting adorable (and I mean adorable) Yoakum photos due to the fact that my computer, though set up, does not have internet access. My gracious mother-in-law lets me use hers but my happy little pictures are not available here. So keep waiting anxiously. Because I know you are :)
Okay, Jen J., you're a doll for giving me something to write! Here goes. Oh wait, just as a side note, I think this would also be fun if other people got to comment on what habits they thought you had. Let's really stir up some fun.
Alright, read on.
I have been "tagged". If you find yourself "tagged" like me, here are the rules you must follow...
The Meme Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Oh yea, babe--here's the dish.

Habit 1: FIRST AND FOREMOST...requires only four words.
bleach wipes (or a various assortment of cleaning products)
Must-haves in my house or I wig out needlessly. Or my family starves because I just WON'T make chicken without the proper clean-up.
Habit 2: Clean out the car as I'm leaving--don't you just hate getting into a car filled with old sonic cups? Unless they're full of iced tea with a lime on the side. Did you know Yoakum DOES have a sonic? Oh yes, across the street from dairy queen.
Anyway, habit 2 makes a smooth transition into
Habit 3: I cannot go to bed without a CLEAN SINK. Not just free from dirty dishes...free from debris of all kinds, sparkling from the use of the aforementioned bleach wipes (or a various assortment of cleaning products).
Habit 4: I am way too literal. I spent the first years of our marriage trying to understand why, when Michael said he'd be home in a minute, he wasn't there in the next 60 seconds or so. Be careful what you tell me-I'll take you a little too seriously.
Habit 5: Sonic tea...with lime on the side. You can't really run errands without it. Did you know?
Let's see...I'll try to get creative so that you keep reading...ummm...i'm thinking...it's not working...
Habit 6: I'm really horrible at getting back in touch with people via phone, email, card, or thank you note. ESPECIALLY when it comes to birthdays. Boy, I really stink at birthdays. If I've remembered yours, consider it a major feat. (that's really kind of sad isn't it?)
Habit 7: Pick the sides of my nails too much.
Habit 8: When I'm alone with Nolan or Lori, I have conversations with them and answer my questions for them. For instance, "Hey doll, how are you? Good? Of course you are...oh, you think I'm the best mom in the world? I make the best food? I can fold clothes like no one else? Oh that's wonderful. How about my cleaning? I'm so glad you approve..." and so on and so forth. By the end of the day, when I realize just HOW much my children adore and appreciate me, I feel great :)
Okay, I'm tagging Chasity, Mandy, Andra, Kim, Angie I., Angie M. April, Jeffie, Stephanie, Elaine, and Molly, and Julie P. That's more than 8 but I'm trying to break out of my way too literal shell.
There you have it. Just some of the silly stuff I can think of. There is more dirt, of course. Email Michael and see if you can get it out of him. That would provide lots of entertainment.
Until then...
Come visit the farm!


Jenibug7 said...

So glad to finally hear from you guys! And can't wait to see the pics!

April Williams said...

i love you and miss you. love your habits! you're a good writer my friend.

Melanie said...

hey jen! i found your blog on everyone else's blog that i know! it's amazing! your habits are too funny...some of them almost sound like me. :-)