Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Meet Westley Hardin

December 10th

So much intensity, so many prayers and blessings in three days-
let me tell you a story...

Our little man was due December 11th. Though I hadn't reached my due date, nearing it that closely was starting to disappoint me. Why do so many pregnant women feel as though they are the ones who won't really have to wait that long? I was just sure I would be in labor before that Thursday hit.
(My nieces and nephew...not knowing in a few hours, i'd be in labor-
oops, Caleb is about to deliver!)

Set on not being induced, I decided I had to change my mindset. Instead of expecting to go into labor, I tried switching to "what's a due date anyway? mode." Well the Lord indulged me and, at 1:35am on December 10th, I woke from some harder contractions. By 6am I was starting to think this might be the real thing--remember, I had been induced with my first two babies so going into labor on my own was new. After a call in to the o.b. nurse to ask some questions, I told Michael I really think we ought to take the kids to their grandparents and get checked. I had been at a 3 for a few weeks--when the nurse checked I was at a 4 but not progressing very fast. We decided to go home and labor there. I waited all day for my contractions to get closer together. While the pain was intense, the minutes between contractions dragged. One of my dearest friends encouraged me to get checked again. This time, we were at a 6. She and her mom gave me a little pep talk. I desperately wanted to deliver this baby with no medicine and my resolve was dwindling. They were just what I needed at that moment. My dr. sent me to the hospital and boy did things pick up from there. (about 6:30ish pm) 

I need to sum up now...I've just realized you're getting more than you bargained for in this little post.
(ignore the date on pics--checked in to hospital.  looking good, eh?)

Basically, in a short time, I asked for an epidural, then denied the epidural, got to an 8, decided to keep going, dr. broke my water, experienced the most amazing and amazingly painful process I've ever been a part of, and had my son, my third child, naturally, at 8:45pm. Whew.

My biggest baby--21.25 in
7lbs, 13 oz.

After a night of the baby "high," we found out at 6am the next morning there were some concerns with West. His body temperature kept dropping, his heart rate was dropping and irregular, he wouldn't nurse, he was very lethargic. The dr. came and ordered several tests. There was some drama with his IV--until our dr. saved the day again--his white blood cell count was high but x rays were clear and after lunch, he started nursing again.

It looked like antibiotics were doing something good. Confidence was building. We wouldn't have blood tests back for a few days so we waited. By the end of that night, we were feeling better. West was kept under a warmer with a heart monitor and remained one on one with a nurse. This continued through the next day. He continued to improve in nursing and all outward signs looked good. Good color, good temperatures. Today, he was able to come out from the warmer and spend a little time in the room with me. He maintained good temps and is nursing like a champion. He's a gassy little man but we'll take that at this point. Oh, and no sign of allergies like my other babies so far! YEA! I've seen a normal baby stool for the first time as a mother! (That part is huge, trust me). So tomorrow, we officially get results from blood cultures and discuss our options. Those of you who knew of the situation have been praying hard and I can't thank you enough. I've said many times in the past few days...our Lord is faithful to His promises. Even if things hadn't started picking up like they did, He is still faithful. There are so many ways we've watched His hands unfold what He wants us to experience with or without knowing why. He's brought comfort in all situations.
And in the past couple of days, He's brought us this...

(taken today!)

More of "this" coming soon
Thank you for your prayers, thoughts, and calls.  As soon as things get a little more regular, we will be more proactive in making many of the personal phone calls that you deserve.  Until then, know that we've felt all that you have sent our way.  


Laugh Along With Me said...

ADORABLE!!! I want to hold him and smell that fresh baby smell! So sweet...I'm so happy for y'all and will continue to pray. Miss you...oh,and Bug Hugs to you, I bet they're awesome!

Jenibug7 said...

He is so beautiful! Can't wait to be with yall in a week!!!

Anonymous said...

God is Faithful and West is beautiful! I'm in tears! Wish I could be there with you guys! Can't wait to hold him...we'll see you guys in a week! and, Happy Birthday my sweet friend! What a gift!

Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! said...

Congratulations Jen! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! You are one amazing mom! I'm happy to hear the update and to know that West is doing well! Much love to all FIVE of you! :D

Mandy said...

We will pray for sweet West! He is adorable! We wish we were closer, but please know that we are on our knees with you!

Merry Christmas!

THE MCCOYS said...

Congratulations! I'm glad everything is going well with baby West! He is adorable!! We will continue to pray for West and all of you!

Chasity said...

Jenny- He is sooo adorable! My mom and sister are looking too and they're oohing and ahhing over him. And you look darn good for just giving birth.. NATURALLY! You are an official member of the crazy lady natural birth club... the select few! Congratulations! Love you! Chas and Tab, and Mary

Jen B. said...

Congratulations! He is a beautiful baby -- just perfect. And you look wonderful. Good luck with your recovery and the next few months with a newborn.

Melanie said...

Congrats! He is so sweet! I had my #3(Hannah) naturally so I know what it is to stick it out when you don't want to. Way to go Jennifer! All 3 of your kiddos are absolutely adorable!

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

Oh my gosh what a few days you had!! Natural!?!?! A champ!! Congrats on your little guy and seriously wish you were in houston :( I will email and catch up soon. By the way, I am jealous you aren't pregnant anymore :)

Anna said...

Congratulations! He is a beautiful little guy.