Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Alright, now we may not have pizza delivery but Yoakum nailed it in the trick or treat department. Everyone, and I mean all 5731 of us, were walking the streets of downtown, stopping at every business and group that set up "shop" to hand candy to begging, but very cute, children. We walked up and down the streets with our friends--Nolan held his pumpkin so that sissy couldn't get it and delved into sugar haven. Poor guy, it's all new to him, this sugar thing. I've been withholding and now I'm not sure there's any turning back. I couldn't stand it though...looking this cute, he can have anything he wants (and so can that sweet ballerina you see)!


Jenibug7 said...

Just so you know how blessed you are living down there in TX- our son was Spiderman and wore LONG SLEEVE FOOTIE PJ's under his suit. Elena wore footie PJ's AND a sweatsuit under her bee costume....
And then I see sweet Lori in her little tanktop leotard...

April Williams said...

I mean, I am so behind on the blog thing. You must have laughed when we got off the phone. I haven't been on blogs in over a week and boy have I missed out!! I can't even tell you how much I have missed seeing these 2 grow up. They are soooo cute. I love their costumes. And no...there's no turning back on the sugar. It's a shame really. I was like you and waited as long as possible.