Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

more about the potty-kind of.

so...you just have to hear this story. or maybe you don't. maybe this is funny to me because it's my child and no one else will think this is humorous. hmm...either way...

keep in mind that froggy is nolan's "lovey." froggy has slept with nolan almost since his birth. froggy is one of those square, little blankets with an animal head in the center. you know what i'm talking about?

alright, so it's about 6am and nolan persists on his new habit...coming to my room, waking me--and telling me he has to go potty--when all he really wants is for me to get up with him. he is not supposed to get out of bed until the sun is up. being the genius he is, he knows The Potty will get him what he wants.
and i give in again. because i just have no defenses at 6am people. you want me to agree to something? wake me about then and start asking. i'm yours for another good hour...
we are in the bathroom and he exclaims, "no, mommy, this potty won't work."
excuse me?
"this potty won't work, mommy; we have to go to the other potty."
sigh, walk to the other potty...remember, NO defenses.
upon arrival he tells me that i need to go first. no problem, 33 wks pregnant, third child in less than three years, i can go at any second.
when i'm done, i demand that he goes so we can get back to bed (i started waking up a little--but still, demand is probably too strong a word. it's still only like 6:07am)
at this point, he starts toward the toilet with froggy in his hands. i ask him to give me froggy so that our little, green friend experiences no natural disasters. nolan says,
"no, mommy, froggy gotta go."
"nope, nolan, i will hold froggy, you go."
we repeat.
"no, mommy! froggy gotta go POTTY!"
sigh again. give in again as i finally understand. froggy going potty was one of our desperate first attempts (several months ago) at getting the boy interested in the toilet. we'd hold froggy up to the seat and pretend he was going.
thus, nolan's idea that froggy now has to go.
very seriously, he takes froggy from me. with a purposeful lift of his chin, he holds that frog at just the right angle and waits patiently.
i mean seriously, like a minute goes by.
all of sudden, he hands me the frog and looks at me with a less serious, somewhat silly expression (as if this whole froggy charade was my idea), and says,
"oh no, mommy, froggy not going potty. froggy don't have a booty!"
and with that observation/exclamation, he climbs up on the toilet seat and completes his original plan.

it was kind of worth it though, 6am and all. thank God for the funny stuff. that's the fuel for motherhood isn't it? that and the sweet stuff. love those babies...

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Now that is hysterical!

Love you!