Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My vote is for the poop ;)

I am currently debating something of great importance.

Was I more excited at seeing my son's first steps or at the realization that he (for the first time), of his own volition and unbeknownst to me, ran to the potty and pooped?
He's been peeing and pooping by himself now for about four days (on the condition that I leave him naked all day...details, details...). He's peed and pooped at my in-laws. He peed and pooped for my mom when she visited. I even checked on him tonight, a while after he went to bed. He was laying there awake. I saw his pants and wondered why I put them on backwards and didn't notice. And then he tells me that he went pee pee. And I believed him with all of my heart.

DO YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING TO YOU?????!!! (And yes, I am well aware that all caps means I am yelling.) DO YOU, DO YOU???!!
MY SON MIGHT ACTUALLY BE ALMOST (and now i'm totally whispering because i don't want to jinx it) p o t t y t r a i n e d.

Anyway, I can't talk about it too much because I just cannot believe it. I REALLY was preparing myself for having three children in diapers. I mean, when we officially have three children in our arms, they will still all be under the age of 3. And the oldest, well, he's my emotional one. Very emotional about all things, including relieving himself in a diaper vs. the toilet.
Until now.
All of this to say, I believe I have been more taken aback, more in awe than I was when he walked for the first time. Is that like total mom heresy? Sorry to disappoint anyone. I'd love to know your vote--have you had children that learned to use the potty? Where do you stand on this debate?


Jenibug7 said...

Just wait til he can wipe his own butt after pooping on the potty. It's like TOTAL FREEDOM!!!! Let the celebration begin!

Mandy said...

I love you!!!!

The Wagner's said...

although i agree with you on pooping and peeing on the toilet is a monumental occasion...my vote goes with walking! i absolutely couldn't wait for my kids to walk! !!! i really didn't stress too much about when bailee got potty trained---as long as she wasn't in a diaper by school age i knew we were good :)

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

I seriously hate potty training. To hear that your little guy is doing so well is fabulous!! I am just praying that with my next one that I will have worked through whatever issues I had and the Lord will choose to teach me in other ways than pooping on the potty!! Are you in Houston? We are in Tomball and we need to get together!

Chasity said...

Nolan is the MAN... and you're the MOM! Good job Jen- see, I told you it would happen. ;) Miss u.

Andra said...

Well, I know that potty training took a LOT more effort on my part than my sons learning to walk did, so my vote goes to potty training.