Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Big boy gets bigger

Yesterday I decided I needed to get a few things done. I knew that it would take a small miracle to keep baby boy occupied the entire time I was working so I did what all totally-involved-in-their-childrens'-activity-supermoms would do...I handed him my cell phone. Because JOY IS a cell phone that lights up when you push the buttons even though it's locked, did you know? I'm not exactly campaigning for mom of the year with that move but it did buy me SEVERAL minutes uninterrupted and brought pure bliss to the boy. So I'm working at the kitchen table when I realized, wow, I've gotten a lot done. And then I realized, whoa, it's Unusually Quiet. You see, there's toddler quiet...no words spoken and the occasional crack of two toys slamming into one another or a bang as a toy goes flying across the room accompanied by a delighted little boy giggle. That's toddler quiet. Then there's Unusually Quiet. Unusually Quiet is much different. In fact, it's a little scary. In the moment I realized that Unusually Quiet had fallen upon us, I instantly lifted from my chair scanning the room for the worst. There, across the room from me, was baby boy snuggled in the corner of the recliner in our living room, still pushing buttons, and flashing a large grin my way. Every few seconds he would stop and lean his head back into the pillow on the chair as if this was the most comfortable place he'd been on earth, and then he'd go back to pushing buttons. The big deal is this--he's never in his entire 16 month old life climbed up on anything (except our stairs)! So to have made his way up his daddy's "Big Man" recliner and settle himself in for a little cozy phone time blew my mind for a second! Then I just laughed which sent him into fits of giggles mixed with the leaning back onto the pillow that I told you about. I instantly felt guilty for having kept him from all of this before...

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