Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, June 3, 2007

nolan was a champ during his first haircut. of course, his hairdresser was quite on top of things as well. connie, a friend so dear to our family, was smart enough to hand our little genius the squirt bottle. as if he'd seen squirt bottles his entire 1 yr. old life, he instantly went for the trigger and targeted every last one of us. this provided MUCH entertainment, allowing him to completely ignore the fact that a part of his little self was being cut. (okay, okay--he didn't care one lick about the hair, the drama is self-indulgent here. i still can't believe how big he's getting!)

1 comment:

Chasity said...

Jen, I've never seen this one before ( I guess I haven't scrolled down far enough!) Nolan is so precious, he had grown up so much! I miss his little cheeks. He has to teach Anthony how to be a cowboy! Love You