Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Scenes from the south...

We were back in God's country again. Yoakum held its' annual "Tom Tom" festival this past weekend and we decided that Nolan and Lori needed a little hometown celebration to start their summer. We tried driving at bedtime thinking that a little movie and his froggie would be all Nolan needed to fall right to sleep. Well that BACKFIRED on us in about 5 minutes. So glad to finally get there that night!
When we weren't at parades or listening to polka music, we were relaxing at Michael's parents...known affectionately by the following little ones as "Doc" and "Doe". Enjoy!

Contemplating the cows...Doc took all the grandkids, literally, on a field trip to check out the cattle a neighbor keeps on his land.

Seriously-doesn't this look like "Little House on the Prarie?" Not that I watch reruns on the Hallmark Channel to be able to remember what the show looked like...

Precious sisters

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