Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, February 4, 2008

hey. how are you? kind of feel like we need to get reacquainted with my absence and all. i've thought about the blogging process a lot. too much, actually. the more i think to write, the more i realize i have no time to get it done. time passes by and before i know it, it's been two months and i really can't catch up! so i'm just going to start--whether these posts are a big deal or not. it's about the habit right?
(by the way, that is my "have not exercised but need to" train of thought, slightly adapted to fit my "haven't blogged in forever" habit. as you probably can surmise, i'm not exercising much, either. i need to get a new pep talk. i'll be taking suggestions in the comment section.)
seriously, we are in quite a little crazy run right now. believe it or not, it is possible to have something every night of the week in this sweet, tiny town. i'm still working part-time two nights a week at a local cheer gym (for a few more months) and helping with upward cheerleading two other days as well. michael and i have started a bible study...we're watching the song of solomon dvds from the conferences with which he traveled. michael is still working his tail off for dewitt poth and sons office supply and his sundays are just as busy as they always have been. he's helping two church plants...one in morning in victoria and one at night in austin. we're really excited about some dreams we have and, while being at two churches seems a little crazy, there is a purpose to it all. one of the churches, austin new church, is an amazing place that has really taken seriously the command to serve others (see Isaiah 58). we've told them about our dreams of a place that is more focused on serving the community than on having a high profile sunday service. what a thrill it was to meet a couple (the pastor and his wife) who not only agree, but have completely changed their personal way of doing life and are basing their church's foundation on these changes/actions. last week's church service was held in downtown austin, grilling burgers for the homeless people. refreshing.
so, we've been dreaming and trying to get involved and basically, just establishing life here in yoakum. oh yeah, and we have two kids! :) what treasures they are--i'm so in love with being their momma.
they are a whole other post, those babies. it's coming, too. been reflecting a lot since my son just turned two and in one month my daughter will turn one. sometimes, i don't have words to describe it all (children-wise) but, like i said, i'm working on it. profound things occur to you in the midst of raising babies and as much as i want to share those things with you, i fear of ruining the realizations with not-so-profound words. (this paragraph, case in point) i'll get back to you on that one, though.

in the meantime, you want to see my kids again? they are amazingly sweet together these days. here are some random shots!


The Wagner's said...

glad to see you remember how to blog!!! you really have to get into a better habit of this once i am gone!
---by the way, ryan loves the nationals baseball-bring it three five!! AND HE WILL!!!

Jeffie said...

what precious kids!!! they are getting so grown up! i'm with you on the whole blogging/exercise bit - it's just a crazy season of life! love getting caught up on your sweet family!! give those babies hugs and kisses for me!!